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The Mendicant I


Author: B.T. Swami


Meditations and Prayers on the Supreme Lord


Serenity in the Lord


Deeply penetrating reflections in the form of a personal dialogue with God remind the reader of the need to dedicate time to spiritual growth alongside secular pursuits. Written in an easy-going, non-sectarian style, the book explores themes such as patience, tolerance, humility, compassion and determination. The author presents these themes not as curiosities from another era but as necessary tools to maintain sanity in a far from normal world full of conflict and stress.


“Now, my dear Lord, I am completely confused. I have tried to attract you, but I see that I have nothing to attract you. I'm a hypocrite. I desire Your kingdom, without You. I am a criminal who has tried to plead his innocence, and now I have nowhere to hide. What am I going to do, dear Lord? “Then I heard the Lord say: 'You have always been, and always will be, very dear to Me, but you do not believe it. Therefore you separate us by being an enemy to yourself. Come, my son, and experience what is totally loved by Me.’”


Excerpt from The Mendicant

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Language: Spanish

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